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IOS app upload - Icon and images

Paymoney Mobile App

Apple Developer Credentials: The client must have an apple developer account and the client have to provide us those login credentials so that we can upload the iOS application.


These are the following size icon needed with the exact icon name.

Name           =>          Size

  1. icon-60@3x.png" => width="180" height="180"
  2. icon-60.png" => width="60" height="60"
  3. icon-60@2x.png" => width="120" height="120"
  4. icon-76.png" => width="76" height="76"
  5. icon-76@2x.png" => width="152" height="152"
  6. icon-small-40.png" => width="40" height="40"
  7. icon-small-40@2x.png" => width="80" height="80"
  8. icon-small-40@3x.png" => width="120" height="120"
  9. icon.png" => width="57" height="57"
  10. icon@2x.png" => width="114" height="114"
  11. icon-167.png" => width="167" height="167"
  12. icon-small.png" => width="29" height="29"
  13. icon-small@2x.png" => width="58" height="58"
  14. icon-small@3x.png" => width="87" height="87"
  15. icon-small-50.png" => width="50" height="50"
  16. icon-small-50@2x.png" => width="100" height="100"
  17. icon-20.png" => width="20" height="20"
  18. icon-48.png" => width="48" height="48"
  19. icon-55.png" => width="55" height="55"
  20. icon-88.png" => width="88" height="88"
  21. icon-72.png" => width="72" height="72"
  22. icon-72@2x.png" => width="144" height="144"
  23. icon-172.png" => width="172" height="172"
  24. icon-196.png" => width="196" height="196"
  25. icon-1024.png" => width="1024" height="1024"

Feature Images:

Featured images: Screenshot from the app (3-4 images)


  1. iPhone 6.5" Display phone size
  2. iPhone 5.5" Display phone size

Additional Information:

  1. Promotional Text
  2. Keywords
  3. Description
  4. Support URL
  5. Privacy URL
  6. Contact information(first name, last name, email, phone number)
  7. test user information (email, password): IOS team need login information as they will review the app