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Android App Deploying Process

Follow those processes to generate “apk” file.

1) At first extract your file.

2) Open “config.xml” file to your text editor ( Notepad, Sublime Text, Atom, Vs Code e.t.c).

i. Search "widget xml" markup tag and change the id by your app id like id = “com.hostName.appName” and version by your app version like version = “1.0.1”.

ii. Search “name xml” tag and replace the text by yourappName like appName goes here.

iii. Serach “description xml” tag and replace the text by your appDescription like appDescription goes here.

iv. Search “author xml” tag abd replace the text by your authorDetails like AppDevelopmentTeam

3) If you want, you can change your app site_url.

i) Go to projectName\www\js\app.js.

ii) Open app.js file

iii)Change the site_url from the source code like below screenshot with your details.

4) To custom your app icon which you want to launch into your device please create an icon with 1024 * 1024 size and convert it from following website.

i) Go to abiro

ii) Upload your resize image & download the file.

iii) Extract the downloaded zip file.

iv) Copy only the “res” folder from extracted folder.

v) Delete the res folder from your project root and keep the new res folder with your custom app like below screenshot.

5) Now build your “apk”

  • To build the APK your machine must have to be Cordova installed , to install cordova follow the guideline

  • If your machine is cordova supported you can easily generate APK with few command line

  • Open the terminal on project folder & run following command line one by one

  • cordova platform rm ios

  • cordova platform rm android
  • cordova platform rm browser
  • cordova platform add android
  • cordova build android

  • If all the command successfully run you will see the apk file on \platforms\android\app\build\outputs\apk\debug\app-debug.apk

  • Install the app-debug.apk on your mobile.