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Identity Verification

KYC (Know Your Customer)

User Part

To request identity verification, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Verification Section.
  • By default, you'll be in the Identity Verification tab.
  • Choose one of the three identity types:
  • Driving License
  • National ID
  • Passport
  • Provide the identity number.
  • Attach a document for proof.
  • Click on Verify Identity.
  • Defaultly the status of the request will be Pending.

Admin part

To manage identity verification requests, the admin can follow these steps:

  • Navigate to Verification > Identity Verification.
  • Click on the Edit option of the verification record.
  • The identity verification request details will be available there.
  • The admin can review the attached document and request details.
  • After reviewing, the admin can change the status of the request to Approved, Rejected, or Pending.

In the admin panel, the user list will display Identity Verified next to users who have completed the verification process. Additionally, in the user profile, the status will show as Approved. You can refer to the screenshots below for visual clarification: