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Exchange Currency

Exchange currency

To exchange currency –

1) Go to user Dashboard, click on 'Exchange' button.

2) Select From wallet currency & To wallet currency.

3) Enter exchange amount. Based on currency rate ( ‘From wallet’ currency rate) amount will be converted.

Note: User wallet currency which are activated from Fees limits->transaction type->Exchange only those currency will come in ‘From wallet’ currency list. All activated currency from Fees limits->Transaction type->Exchange will come in ‘To wallet’ currency list either it’s in wallet or not.

NB: Exchange rate value will be different when rate come from API.

4) Click on confirm button.


Suppose you are exchanging amount 10 From USD to EUR.

Here, Exchange rate is 1 USD = 0.85 EUR.

10 USD = 10 * 0.85 = 8.50 EUR. Where exchange fees are (0.12%+1) = 1.01

This exchange amount will be added in wallet EUR currency.

Note: Fees are always deducted from 'From wallet' currency.

Total = Amount + fees

= 10 + 1.01

= 11.01 USD

This total amount will subtracted from wallets USD currency. About Exchange currency, Fees & limits details are here.