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Fees & Limits



— PayMoney allows you to set fees and limits to each currency.

— Fees and limits are applicable for each transaction type.

— Fees & Limits are the combinations of currency and transaction type (Deposit, Transfer, Payout, Request payment etc).

NB: To do any type of Transactions, currency must be activated from Fees & Limits.


To set fees and limits for each currency, follow the steps below:-

1) Deposit

a) Go to Currencies -> Fees (of a particular currency, i.e – EUR) -> Choose Transaction Type -> Deposit.

b)For deposit, fees and limits can be set for all existing payment methods.

c) You can set fees and limits for multiple payment methods of a currency at the same time.

d) Make “Is Activated” checked, if you want to allow the currency to deposit and to read it’s fees and limits at frontend.

e) Minimum amount limit – is the lowest amount users can deposit.

f) Maximum amount limit – is the highest amount users can deposit.

g) Fees are applicable as charge percentage & charge fixed.

'Pay Money' payment method is only applicable for manual 'Deposit'


— If not set, minimum limit is 1.

— If not set, maximum limit is infinity.

— If not set, charge percentage is 0.

— If not set, charge fixed is 0.

2) Payouts

— The setup is same as the setup of transaction type – deposit, except that it is restricted to three payment methods only (System Payment Method, i.e – Pay Money, PayPal and Bank)

a) Go to Currencies-> Fees (of a particular currency, i.e – EUR -> Choose Transaction Type->Withdraw.

b) You can set fees and limits for multiple payment methods of a currency at the same time.

c) Make "Is Activated" checked, if you want to allow the currency to deposit and to read it’s fees and limits at frontend.

d) Minimum amount limit – is the lowest amount users can withdraw.

e) Maximum amount limit – is the highest amount users can withdraw.

f) Fees are applicable as charge percentage & charge fixed.

*** 'Pay Money' payment method is only applicable for manual 'Withdraw'

3) Transfer

a) Go to Currencies-> Fees (of a particular currency, i.e – EUR) -> Choose Transaction Type->Transfer.

b) Select currency from currency drop down option, for each currency you can set Fees limits & charges.

c) Make “Is Activated” checked, if you want to allow the currency to deposit and to read it’s fees and limits at frontend.

d) Minimum amount limit – is the lowest amount users can transfer.

e) Maximum amount limit – is the highest amount users can transfer.

f) Fees are applicable as charge percentage & charge fixed.

4) Request Payments

a) Go to Currencies-> Fees (of a particular currency, i.e – EUR ) -> Choose Transaction Type-> Request Payment.

b) Select currency from currency drop down option, for each currency you can set Fees limits & charges.

c) Make “Is Activated” checked, if you want to allow the currency to deposit and to read it’s fees and limits at frontend.

d) Minimum amount limit – is the lowest amount users can request.

e) Maximum amount limit – is the highest amount users can request.

f) Fees are applicable as charge percentage & charge fixed.

5) Exchange

a) Go to Currencies -> Fees -> (for individual currency ) Choose Transaction Type ->Exchange.

b) Select currency from currency drop down option, for each currency you can set Fees limits & charges.

c) Make “Is Activated” checked, if you want to allow the currency to ‘exchange’ and to read it’s fees and limits at frontend.

d) Minimum amount limit – is the lowest amount users can exchange.

e) Maximum amount limit – is the highest amount users can exchange.

f) Fees are applicable as charge percentage & charge fixed.

g) Currency Exchange rate can set as local & API. Go to Currencies -> edit option to change the exchange rate type.

Merchant Fees

To set merchant fees go to Settings -> Merchant Packages -> Add group, when you will add group that time you can add fees for each merchant group. When user will pay to merchant fees are applicable for merchants only. There are no limit for any merchants, only fees are allowed.