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Version 1.1

PayMoney v-1.1 August 17, 2018

Bug Fixing: If currency is not available in sender wallet,that currency wallet will create in receiver wallet only.
Bug Fixing: Email Configurations for sendMail.
Bug Fixing: When admin changes a merchant type merchant client id and client secret gives an error.
Bug Fixing: When update user info from admin,change password field isn't required.
Bug Fixing: Default user will get only which permission is given from admin.
Bug Fixing: Accept request button is not working.
Bug Fixing: If user is not paymoney register user that time print option is not working in front end.
Bug Fixing: When creating any Ticket file didn't uploading with reply both in user & Admin.
Bug Fixing: When replied any Ticket with any image, attachment of any image won't come with email.
Bug Fixing: Ticket files download issue fixed.
Bug Fixing: When Exchange to Other,fees limit was calculated from "wallet to" currencies.
Bug Fixing: Admin can put any length password.
Bug Fixing: Request sender image will show in request receiver account issue fixed.
Bug Fixing: Fixed multiple request and transfer acceptance for unregistered users on registration.
Bug Fixing: Fixed dynamic validation to balance check of request acceptance.
Bug Fixing: Fixed transactions migrations timestamps.
Bug Fixing: Admin header logo will change now instantly, previously coming from session.
Bug Fixing: In Transfer/Request, if currency is not activated from Fees limit currency is not come in user drop/down meanu.
Bug Fixing: Fixed active/inactive checkbox returning wrong value on currency change from dropdown.
Bug Fixing: Fixed showing two error message when currency is not available in request payment; one message will be there instantly.
Bug Fixing: Payout amount will be added/subtract with fees if admin change status.
Bug Fixing: Transparent Paymoney logo now visible in merchant (generated) payment page.
Bug Fixing: reCaptch validation issue.
Improvement: Developer page installation instruction changed.
Improvement: Upload image of Property listing.
Improvement: From Fees limit Exchange, admin can disable user wallets when a user converts "To base" currency "From other wallets".
Improvement: If "Default currency" is inactive from Fees limit for Exchange for "To Other currency" error message will show usd' fees limit is inactive".
New Features: If admin change any status for "payout", user wil be notify via mail.
New Features: Added google reCaptch enable/disable functionality.
New Features: A mail will be sent to default english languages(subject and body), if other languages(subject and body) is not set.
New Features: Modified dispute status from rejected to closed; admin can now close/reject a dispute.