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Version 2.1

PayMoney v-2.1 June 31, 2019

Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue with head code in admin settings.
Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue with local currency exchange rate.
Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue with nonexistent wallet not being created in request creation.
Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue while updating request payment from cancelling to pending.
Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue with currency existence validation in request payment acceptance .
Bug Fixing: Fixed a conflicting issue with email and phone vlalidations.
Bug Fixing: Fixed a design issue if user's full name is more than 20 characters.
Bug Fixing: Fixed merchant standard cannot pay to himself.
Improvement: Head code naming changed to Google Analytics Tracking Code in admin settings.
Improvement: Removed currencies exchange rate validation in currencies from admin.
Improvement: Improved Application Installer.
Improvement: Identification of user's default wallet from his/her wallets list
New Features: Added Send Money Via Phone.
New Features: Added Request Money Via Phone.
New Features: Added WooCommerce Plugin Settings.